Fee Agreement

To be successful, an AFA must benefit both the client and the firm. Some clients like AFAs because such agreements can help clients better manage their budgets and financial risks by sharing both the risks and benefits of legal action with their lawyers. Ogborn Mihm loves afAs because by taking certain risks and betting on our skills and experience as trial attorneys, we have the opportunity to make more money than we could make on time. We also appreciate the freedom that AFAs allow, if we don`t have to worry, that everything we do in a case costs the client more money. AFAs allow for unusual creativity and strategies that the client might not otherwise be able to afford. Quota-sharing agreements allow companies to budget and manage risk. Whether you`re working for research fees, one-time fees, or a highly skilled product or service with payment terms, you might need a fee agreement to pay for everything. The fee agreement helps the parties know exactly how much to expect, and if the fees are variable, it contains calculations for your client to understand what is due. Make sure you don`t accept that your lawyer has full authority to settle your case. Request that no count be made without your authority and never authorize the transaction authority without having the slightest understanding of the impact of a specific transaction proposal and the calculation of your net refund. . . .

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