Subject Verb Agreement Test Class 8

Transitive and intransitive verbs An intransitive verb may be alone in the predicate because its meaning is complete. Example: Irregular verbs Irregular verbs change completely in the past. Unlike regular verbs, past forms of tension of irregular verbs are not formed by the addition of ed. Example: a transitive verb requires a direct object to complete its meaning. The meaning of a sentence with a transitive verb is not complete without a direct object. If two or more singular subjects are linked by `and` with each other, the plural verb is used. Example: If a plural noun is between a singular subject and its verb, the verb used is singular. Example: Insert `or are` into the following sentences: 1. There……… two boys standing there.

2. There………. many students at school. 3. Today there is ………. A lot of boys are absent from the class. 4. If you need money, there is ………

A few in my pocket. 5. There ……… Sixteen players selected to travel to Australia. 6. There………. a proper balance of emotions and intelligence in him. 7. There ……..

Nothing that could be so rejoicing. 8. ……….. someone? 9. There ……… No light here. 10. Like……… total darkness inside.

Answers: 1. are 2. are 3. are 4. is 5. are 6. is 7. is 8. is 9. is 9.

is the correct form of the verb that corresponds to the subject. However, it must be kept in mind that if the individuals who make up the collective noun are thought of, it can take a plural verb. Example: D. Point out the subject of the sentence and the correct verb in the following sentences. In each of the following sentences, you deliver an appropriate verb in keeping with its theme: – Can you imagine verbs for actions you have completed today? You may have brushed your teeth, put on your shoes, smiled at your friend and buzzed with your water. For the rest of the day, think about what you`re doing. What verbs can you imagine? If the subjects related to `or`, `nor` have different numbers, the verb must be plural and the plural subject should be placed next to the verb. Example: Action Verbs While there are several types of verbs, today`s lesson focuses on action verbs. Action verbs tell what the theme of a sentence does.

Words like navigating, climbing, swinging, swiping, telling and answering are action verbs. The verbs have three main parts. They are present, from the past and past participants. For regular verbs, the past is formed by adding to the current form; and past participation is done by using past tense verb with a helping verb like having, having or having. Example: Verb A verb says what something is doing or exists. Examples: 15. Mathematics (is, are) John`s favorite subject, while Civics (are) Andreas the favorite subject. A. Point out the subject (or composite subject), then co-call the verb that corresponds to it. The first one was made for you.

Question 3. Highlight the verbs in the sentences below and indicate whether they are in the active or passive voice. (i) Sita loves Savitri. (ii) The wall is built by the mason. (iii) Some boys helped the injured man. (iv) The man killed the snake. v) The food prepared by Asha was eaten by Ram. Answer: (i) Sita loves Savitri. – (Active) (ii) The wall is built by the mason.

- (Passive) (iii) Some boys helped the injured. – (Active) (iv) Man killed the snake. – (Active) (v) The food prepared by Asha was eaten by Ram.

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