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Differences Between Real-Time Traffic Analysis And Packet Analysis in AthTek NetWalk
AthTek NetWalk supports both real-time and postmortem analysis. Do you know what are the differences? Most of time, real-time and postmortem analysis share the same template to analyze the traffic data. Real-time traffic analysis shows dynamic trends of the entire network, while postmortem traffic analysis shows exactly what has happened in this network. In this article, you will read the main differences between real-time traffic analysis and packet analysis in AthTek NetWalk. Continue reading
Free Software, NetWalk, Network, Product News, sharing, Using Experience
free software, freeware, ids tool, network administrator, network analyzer, network management, network monitor, network monitoring, network monitoring software, NIDS software, packet analysis, packet sniffing, postmortem traffic analyzer, real time traffic analyzer, wireshark
General Introduction to Windows Registry Hives Part.4
[PDF] System Program Settings are used for storing registry keys and values of pre-installed system programs. Sometimes 3rd-party programs will change the settings of system programs. That’s why we see system program errors. The last one, Other Program Settings. 3rd-party’s … Continue reading
General Introduction to Windows Registry Hives Part.3
[PDF] Invalid Shortcuts is used for linking files or programs to shortcuts. Even when you deleted the software from the computer, these invalid shortcuts might be left in your system. The ever used files will be saved in Most Recently … Continue reading
General Introduction to Windows Registry Hives Part.2
[PDF] File Extensions Hive saves registry keys and values of the reference between applications. For example, you can open a link in MS Word. Functions such as this are saved in File Extensions Hive. Sometimes the file extensions are invalid. … Continue reading
General Introduction to Windows Registry Hives Part.1
The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains settings for low-level operating system components and for applications running on the platform that have opted to use the registry. The kernel, device drivers, services, SAM, user interface and third party applications can all make use of the registry. The registry also provides a means to access counters for profiling system performance. The Windows Registry has a structure similar to Windows folders and files. Each main folder is named as a Hive. Do you know what does each hive mean? In this article, you will read the general introduction to Windows registry hives. Continue reading
What Are the Differences Among AthTek Voice Changers
There are 3 voice changers on AthTek website. They are Free Voice Changer, All-in-One Voice Changer and AthTek Voice Changer for Skype. Any of them can lower or higher your voice pitch while you are speaking. But do you know the differences among all these 3 voice changers? Tens of thousands people take Free Voice Changer as a free dubbing tool, and thousands people use Voice Changer for Skype for playing pranks on their friends. Each software is developed for particular people in voice changing. In this article, you will read what are the differences among AthTek Voice Changers. Continue reading
for Skype, Free, Free Software, Product News, sharing, Using Experience, Voice Changer
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Create Cool Music for the Hot Summer 2014
The hot summer of 2014 is coming, are you ready for that? Maybe you were considering going outside to find a cool place to spend the hot summer. But if you dislike to hang out, how can you make yourself feel cool? Some good cool music will help you to get the temperature down in an acceptable way. In this article, I will introduce how to create original cool music by in several steps on your computer. You will feel cool and have fun with the original music you created! Continue reading
DigiBand - Automatically Compose Music, Multimedia Software, Product News, sharing, Tutorials, Using Experience
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How to Design a Technical Flowchart in Writing Program and Explaining Program to Others
Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. Flowchart are very helpful in writing program and explaining program to others. Different symbols are used for different states in flowchart, For example: Input/Output and decision making has different symbols. The table below shows all the symbols that are used in designing flowchart. Continue reading
FAQ, Flowchart to Code, Product News, sharing, Using Experience
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Top 5 Stupid April Fools’ Day Pranks
Not everyone’s April Fools’ Day prank can win a good laugh. Sometimes your little prank just goes out of the line and make others feel sick. Your April Fool’s joke sucks and you were the only fool in the world then. In the following cases you will read how people messed up big time. Continue reading
for Skype, Product News, sharing, Using Experience, Voice Changer
4.1, April Fools' Day, awful pranks, change voice in skype call, computer prank, male to female, prank call, record Skype call, skype app, skype voice changer, stupid pranks, suck April Fools’ Day, voice changer, voice changer for Skype, voice changer software, voice changing program, voice changing software
Get Prepared for April Fools’ Day
April Fools’ Day is coming soon. Have you got prepared for pranks? In April Fools’ Day, your friends will definitely play pranks on you and if you can’t see through those tricks in time, you will be ridiculed to the bottom. In April Fools’ Day, you should be careful of the people around you. Anyone of them could be the pranker who plays tricks on you. But if you still be fooled like a duck when you were enough alertness, that would be a great prank for April Fools’ Day. Continue reading
for Skype, Free, Free Software, Product News, sharing, Tutorials, Using Experience, Voice Changer
4.1, April Fools' Day, change voice in skype call, computer prank, male to female, prank call, record Skype call, skype app, skype voice changer, voice changer, voice changer for Skype, voice changer software, voice changing program, voice changing software