Top 5 Stupid April Fools’ Day Pranks

[PDF] Not everyone’s April Fools’ Day prank can win a good laugh. Sometimes your little prank just goes out of the line and makes others feel sick. Your April fool’s joke sucks and you were the only fool in the world then. In the following cases you will read how people messed up big time.
Awful April Fools' Day Pranks

1. Say “I love you” to the one you really love on April Fools’ Day, and get refused seriously. Yes you can respond “Happy April Fools’ Day!” to defuse the awkward situation, but nothing can comfort your broken heart. This is one of the saddest April Fools’ Day pranks but happens every year. Never show your love on April Fools’ Day!

2. Similar to the first one– make a proposal on April Fools’ Day. No one will like to accept marriage proposal as a joke. If you took this as a joke, there must be someone feel hurt. If you took this as an official proposal, you will get a joke. Never make a proposal on April Fools’ Day!

3. Pretending to be a stranger to flirt with your spouse. You probably want to hear how much he/she loves his/her husband/wife and how he/she refuses the stranger’s philander. But this is only in your own wishful thinking! Someone has installed AthTek Voice Changer for Skype and flirt with his wife, and then she told him she was single… Never pretend to be a stranger to flirt with your spouse on April Fools’ Day!

4. Play computer pranks but cannot recover it. More and more people play computer pranks on April Fools’ Day. An awful prank is, you have some very important files in the computer, but someone messed up all stuff. Even worse, no one can recovery those important files after a good laugh. Never touch my computer on April Fools’ Day!
go crazy

5. Tell your parents you were dying. This is the worst prank I’ve have heart. You know your parents love you so much and they wish nothing but the best for you. Your lie will make the prank for April Fools’ Day become frenzied. It’s not funny at all. Never hurt your parents on April Fools’ Day!

Have you got prepared with your April Fools’ Day? Please don’t let April Fools’ Day goes bad.

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