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Monthly Archives: February 2012
New Version of Free Google Desktop Translator is Coming!
News from AthTek R&D Department: New Version of Free Google Desktop Translator is Coming in few days! For a long time, Free Google Desktop Translator is our top-rated product, and is very popular among the people who need Google Translate on their … Continue reading
Skype Recorder v5.5 Has Been Released!
We have just release a major update for Skype Recorder, with a lot of new features included. Continue reading
Monthly Special Offer: Save Money on Code to FlowChart in 2012
The monthly special offer of WebAPP Kit will expire soon, and the next monthly special offer for Code to FlowChart is coming! Anyone who want to have a full version of Code to FlowChart, he can save part of the price in March 2012. Continue reading
AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Monthly Promotion, Product News, Special Offer, WebAPP Kit
c to flowchart, code flowchart, code to flowchart, code visual, convert CS to BS, create web application, CS2BS, Discount, flowchart from code, flowchart software from source code, open source code to flowchart, program flowchart, RIA builder, Rich Internet Applications, software flowchart, Special Offer, web app development, web application builder, web application creator, web program development, web software development, WYSIWYG
Skype Recorder Is Going To Update To V5.5
AthTek Software are preparing a new version of Skype Recorder, and it will be available for public downloading in a few days. Continue reading
Reinstall DirectX EZ Will Be Available on Giveawayoftheday.com In February 2011
We decide to participate in the program of Giveawayoftheday.com with our DirectX ToolKit – Reinstall DirectX EZ. Anyone who want to use the full version of Reinstall DirectX EZ can download it from Giveawayoftheday.com on February 20. Continue reading
AthTek News, Free Software, Other, Product News, Reinstall DirectX, sharing, Special Offer, Using Experience
control DirectX, Coupon, DirectX error, DirectX problem, DirectX rollback, Discount, DXdiag, fatal DirectX errors, fix DirectX, free, free software, install DirectX, reinstall DirectX, repair DirectX, restore DirectX, revert DirectX, uninstall DirectX
Four Tips to Extend Your Skype Functions
I’d like to introduce some knacks who can help users exploit the functions of Skype to the full and greatly facilitate their calls. Continue reading
How to create internet applications with existing PC software projects?
If you are the one who is struggling to provide both downloadable PC software package and rich internet applications (RIA), here is a good news for you: with our AthTek WebAPP Kit, you can easily convert existing software projects to web based applications in minutes! Continue reading
AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Monthly Promotion, Product News, sharing, Special Offer, Tutorials, Using Experience, WebAPP Kit
c to flowchart, code flowchart, code to flowchart, code visual, convert CS to BS, create web application, CS2BS, flowchart from code, flowchart software from source code, program flowchart, RIA builder, Rich Internet Applications, software flowchart, web app development, web application builder, web application creator, web program development, web software development, WYSIWYG
How to deploy WebAPP Kit to a local server?
Before getting started to develop rich internet applications (RIA) with WebAPP Kit, you need to deploy WebAPP Kit to your local server or web server. In the following passage, I will teach you how to deploy WebAPP Kit to a local server. It is quite easy and you only need to follow 5 steps Continue reading
AthTek NetWalk Has Been Awarded And Recommended As The Best Windows Application Of Year 2011
In the past year 2011, AthTek NetWalk has been awarded and recommended by many software editors and users because of its high quality and significance in network monitoring and troubleshooting. Just like someone has said “it’s an intelligent and impressed … Continue reading
Customer Survey, Free Software, NetWalk, Product News, Reviews, Using Experience
best Windows application, free, free software, network administrator, network administrator tool, network management, network monitor, network monitoring software, NIDS software, packet sniffer, packet sniffing, traffic analyzer
AthTek NetWalk v2.2.42 Has Been Released!
We have just released new versions of AthTek NetWalk, with many new features included. You can now download AthTek NetWalk Free Trial Edition to try the new features yourself, and you will find AthTek NetWalk has greatly enhanced its packet analyzing functions for easily troubleshooting. Continue reading
AthTek News, Customer Survey, Free Software, NetWalk, Product News, Updating News
event trigger, network administrator, network analyzer, network management, network monitor, network monitoring software, network troubleshooting, NIDS software, packet analyzing, packet capturing, packet sniffer, packet sniffing